
CSR Policy and Framework

Fiscal 2021 is the first year of our Medium-Term Management Plan 2023, and we have positioned the next three years as the period in which we transform into a company with overall capabilities as part of the journey toward achieving our long-term vision Nishimatsu-Vision 2027. In the latter half of our previous medium-term management plan, the effects of COVID-19 were immense, and society as a whole was forced to deal with extreme changes. Even in these circumstances, our core remains unchanged, and we will continue to leverage the technologies and experience we have cultivated and through the provision of outstanding structures and services, make people's lives richer and create a society where people can live with peace of mind. Going forward, we will aim to improve corporate value and realize a sustainable society by organically linking the various businesses we have developed during the three years of our previous medium-term management plan, making steady progress toward the second step in achieving our long-term vision.

Going forward, we humbly ask all our stakeholders to continue to create various things that will be of value to society together with Nishimatsu Construction.

Nobutoshi Takase
Representative Director and President