Vision and KPIs
- Establishing corporate governance to achieve accountability
- The basic policy of the Company is to improve its corporate governance and maintain good and stable relationshipswith its stakeholders over the long term, in order to achieve sustainable growth of the Company and increase its corporate value over the medium to long term. Based on this policy, we create structures that lead to the acceleration of decision-making and strengthen supervision by the Board of Directors and our business executionsystems. In addition, we have established our Company Motto, Corporate Philosophy and Code of Conduct, which our executives and employees put into practice while implementing our Five Steps for CSR Management based on our CSR Management Policy to build win-win relationships with all of our stakeholders and contribute to society.
- Earning trust by visualizing operations and organization
- We practice thorough ongoing IT governance of RN21, our internal business system. The KPIs we have set have been evaluated by the accounting auditor and zero deficiencies were identified. Continuing in this vein, we will maintain the soundness and effectiveness of the RN21 system to ensure zero deficiencies identified from the accounting auditor.
- Ensuring thorough compliance
We thoroughly conduct screenings at the beginning of business transactions to completely shut out any connection with antisocial forces.
In response to reports of harassment and inappropriate overtime work, which are long-standing issues, we will study and implement effective measures to resolve these problems.
To ensure the effective operation of our whistleblower system, we conduct continuous guidance on and thorough practice of the proper response. We also work to make employees aware of their obligation to report wrongdoing, and to encourage them to use the system.
In addition, we conduct proactive compliance training in ways that enable employees taking part to understand compliance as an issue that concerns them personally.
- Securing business sustainability and becoming a trustworthy company through complete risk control
Business continuity plan training by outside experts has been incorporated into the new employee training curriculum. We plan to expand this to training at other levels as well.
The crisis management manual for countries where we do business is revised annually, and we are establishing a crisis management system for our overseas operations.
To address issues relating to insider information, notices are circulated via the company intranet as appropriate, such as when employees are eligible to buy or sell shares of our own stock. We have also prepared a personal response manual for risks and crises to establish countermeasures against information leaks resulting from data theft or loss, and reported that initiative to the Internal Control Committee.
The number of the items related to high risk